Doyle, Michael Scott

Doyle, Michael Scott


Ph.D., Spanish, University of Virginia (1981)
M.A., Spanish, Universidad de Salamanca (1976)
B.A., Spanish, University of Virginia (1975)
Diploma de Estudios Hispánicos (Spanish), Universidad de Barcelona (1974)

Current and Ongoing Research interests:

  • Translating and Translation Studies (TTS: History, Theory, and Method – Literary and Non-Literary)
  • Cormac McCarthy in Spanish Translation
  • Business Language Studies (BLS) and Spanish for Business and International Trade (Language, Discourse, and Intercultural Communication Studies)
  • LSP and SSP: Language for Specific Purposes and Spanish for Specific Purposes
  • Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature


To date, Dr. Doyle has 68 publications (58 single-authored), among them 11 books, 4 book chapters, 29 articles, essays, interviews and substantial notes, 1 proceedings, 11 translations (short-story length), two videos, and 7 substantive reviews; 58 conference presentations; 63 invited keynote addresses, lectures and panels; and 63 workshops, the majority co-sponsored by the federally-funded Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), at professional conferences and institutions of higher learning.


  • Exito comercial: Prácticas administrativas y contextos culturales, lead author, co-authored with Drs. T. Bruce Fryer and Ronald Cere. 5th ed. Boston: Heinle/Cengage Learning, 2011 (567 pp.)
  • The Heliotrope Wall and Other Stories. Trans of renowned Spanish author Ana María Matute’s collection of stories, Algunos muchachos. New York: Columbia University Press, 1989.

Sample Forthcoming and Recent Publications:

  • “Business Spanish in the United States: Evolution, Methodology, and Markets.” Accepted but not yet in print, forthcoming in Cuadernos de ALDEEU (Associación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos: Spanish Professionals in America).
  • “Continuing Provisional Theoretical Cartography in the LSP Era.” Accepted but not yet in print in Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP), First International Symposium of Languages for Specific Purposes (University of Alabama at Birmingham) proceedings.
  • “A Translation of Cormac McCarthy’s The Sunset Limited in Spanish: Shadowing the Re-Creative Process.” Accepted but not yet in print, forthcoming in issue #23 of Sendebar, a prestigious translation studies journal at the University of Granada, Spain.
  • “Business Language Studies in the United States: On Nomenclature, Context, Theory, and Method.” The Modern Language Journal (MLJ). 96(s1), 2012, 104-120.
  • “Theoretical Foundations for Translation Pedagogy: Descriptive, Prescriptive, and Speculative (In Defense of the ‘Good Utopian’).” ADFL Bulletin Association of Departments of Foreign Languages, Modern Language Association of America) Vol. 42, N. 1, pp. 43-48.
  • “Una entrevista con Luis Murillo Fort, traductor de Cormac McCarthy.” TRANS. Revista de Traductología 14 (2010): 175-186. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad de Málaga (Spain).
  • “A Responsive, Integrative Spanish Curriculum at UNC Charlotte.” Hispania 93.1: 80-84. In Special Section: Curricular Changes for Spanish and Portuguese in a New Era.
  • “Enter the Monster: Meridiano de sangre y No es país para viejos de Cormac McCarthy y el traductor Luis Murillo Fort.” Héroes, mitos y monstruos en la literatura española contemporánea. Andavira Editora (Estudios de Literatura Española Contemporánea: Monográficos de PROGAF): Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña, Spain): 2009, 355-362.
  • “Autobiographical Inscription and Experiential Pedagogy in Business Language: The Panama Canal and Ground Transportation in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.” Global Business Languages: Bridging Language and Business 13 (2008): 45-62.
  • “Five Translators Translating: Reading Blood Meridian from English into English, Spanish into English, and English into Spanish.” Translation Review 74 (2008): 35-66.